Monday, September 9, 2013

Human Beings in the Workplace

Shouldn’t business contribute to everyone involved?  Shouldn’t it make us bigger, stronger, more confident, richer? I say, Yes!

What’s actually happening out there?   In corporate, employees are often treated like robots – expected to perform because they receive a salary.   Employees in retail, at least here in the Gulf, are often paid a small salary with minimal benefits.  They are housed somewhere far away from their work place and bused in for their shift – sometimes many hours before and/or after their shift.  When they have time off, there is nowhere to go as the housing is far away from everything.   They often send a large portion of their wages to their family in their home country with little left to enjoy their lives.

Then, surprisingly, employers are perplexed as to why these people aren’t engaged and aren’t performing!
We need to ask, “What is the purpose of our business?”  If it is to create something new, bring something exciting to the world, or make the world a better place, wouldn’t that be great for everyone?   If it is to pad the pockets of an already wealthy owner, then how can we expect employees to perform?

Employees are HUMAN BEINGS.  They are not objects, robots, androids, drones – you get where I’m going.  

Some employers are content to continue treating their employees like objects because they are making profits.  This business model is not sustainable.  When employees are not engaged, they do not perform – they hold back on sharing information, expending energy, and giving good customer service.  Some employees may even be sabotaging businesses intentionally or committing theft or fraud.  The good ones leave as soon as they can.

Treating employees like human beings makes GOOD BUSINESS SENSE.   Increased engagement, improved productivity, talent retention, employee loyalty, etc.

How does a business get this ideal employee?   Superb on-boarding, excellent training, genuine caring about them, their family, and their career path, praise and thanks.  And a lot more.

Watch this space!

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