Thursday, October 27, 2016

Three Tips to Recession Proof Your Thinking

We may not be in a recession, but there seems to be talk of doom and gloom when it comes to the current economic conditions.  Is it dragging you down?  Are you buying into the pessimism and negativity?

When we entertain thoughts of economic hardship, many people go into ‘survival mode.’  This is when our reptilian brain hijacks our thinking and makes us fight, flee or freeze.  This doesn’t make for an environment of innovative thinking, jumping on opportunities or working creatively.  This creates hibernating in status quo or worse, and it’s not good for business!

We have something to tell you:  You can choose NOT to participate in those discussions or that way of thinking.  Warren Buffet said, “When the world turns right, turn left!”

Here’s three tips to recession proof your thinking:

1.     Self care:   Now is the time to live consciously – responding out of choice instead of reacting from fear.  Easier said than done?   Maybe, but it’s worth the time and energy.  Try meditating for 20 minutes or walking in nature before you go to work.  Set yourself an intention for the day such as, “I will notice when someone is consistently negative and not enter into discussion with them,”  or “I will only say positive things today.”

2.     Be honest and supportive with your partner:   If you are in a committed relationship, share your concerns about the present and future.  Treat these times as part of your adventure together.  Help each other feel safe even if the outside world doesn’t seem that way.

3.     Learn to be more optimistic:  Some people are naturally more pessimistic than others.  Optimism doesn’t mean looking at the world with rose-coloured glasses.  It means being realistic AND knowing you can do something to improve the situation.  When something bad happens, pessimists jump into the mindset of “permanence, prevalence and powerlessness.”    You can begin being more optimistic by telling yourself, “This is bad, but it’s a one-off, and other areas of my life are going well.   I will brainstorm with my friend to come up with some solutions.”  Becoming more optimistic is like building a muscle.   The more you try, the easier it will become.

At WLP Success, we help our clients see where they are now, determine their strengths and weaknesses, and build a plan for a stronger, sustainable business and life.

Thursday, July 28, 2016


If you're ready for a new job or career, be prepared to do the work.  It's probably not going to happen by accident, and helping you is not a priority for others.   Set goals for yourself, make a marketing plan, and be prepared to work a certain number of hours per week.  Ideally, job search should be treated as a full-time job.  Here's some tips on what NOT to do:

1.  Send an email with your CV attached to everyone on your database.  It is annoying to receive these emails and it shows that you haven't done your homework.  Especially, when it's addressed Dear Sir when the receiver is a woman!

2.  Wait to be recognized.   Hard work on your part doesn't necessarily mean getting a promotion, raise or job offer.  You need to market yourself as if you were a product.

3.  Call up hiring managers and ask for an appointment.  This only works if you have done your research about the company and spoken to employees who work in the department or do similar jobs as the one you are looking for.  Ask for an introduction instead of contacting them yourself. Otherwise, you take the chance of being shut down.

4.  Harass everyone you meet.  You will appear desperate.  Instead, make a plan and be prepared.  Ask friends and family to help you and give them information to help you.  Follow up with them, but don't harass them!

5.  Lie on your CV or get someone else to write your CV.  Your CV should be a reflection of your personality and character, not just a list of things you've done.

Know that you're going to be knocked down in this process. Don't give up.  It's not too late to find or develop your ideal career.   Working with a career coach will help you stay focused and accountable.